Thursday, November 12, 2009

Crow wisdom

I spoke with crow during the night. I asked for clarity, to help with the feelings of sadness that surrounded me. Feelings of being old and outdated, spent and useless. Crow led me with its call across the meadows and into the forest, heading deep into the forest, deep into the darkness. I followed his lead as I know he would bring the magic of creation into my life. I stepped into the darkness feeling supported and safe. I felt myself drawn to a certain place in the forest---it was shrouded in darkness with a twisted tangle of branches and vines. I could not see through the bramble, but noticed something shining from within it. I approached slowly, not knowing quite what I was to do. Once confronted with the tangled mess in front of me, I asked Crow how to reach inside to the glowing object. Crow looked directly into my eyes and said, "Your tears will untangle what blocks you. Your way in will then be clear."

I went deep into my sadness, into the feelings of uselessness and my tears fell easily upon the twisted branches. As my tears fell, the branches magically released and I could see this shining light clearly. I reached through the opening into the twisted branches and grasped the shining object. It was an egg shaped object, here in physical reality, yet also in the otherworld. There were many dimensions to it. Crow told me to open the egg. Again, I asked him how to do that. Crow said to use my breath, to breathe from my soul. I closed my eyes and felt deep within my body for the breath of life. As I breathed upon the egg, it opened. Inside I found my heart~~~~

May Crow speak to you today,

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Celtic New Year

Can you feel the shift in energies? Wow, they are really powerful this year. I have been sick the past few days and have spent more time in the "otherworld" than here. Again I found myself feeling as though I was drugged---falling into a heavy sleep with deep revelations occuring in dreams---more DNA downloading, the urgent feeling of needing to prepare myself and the people, the impending changes that are fast approaching---I wake up tired and my head feeling so heavy. The pressure of the energies bombard my body---yet all is good and in order. Changes are coming so fast this old body is having difficulty keeping up! And of course, the intensity of this time of year, when the veils between the worlds are thinnest only makes all of it more intense. I keep looking for ways to ground myself but nothing seems like enough. This afternoon when we had a brief, very brief period of sunshine I went outside and did some yardwork that has been waiting for me all fall. It felt SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD to dig into the garden into mother earth and feel her moist body. I feel so much clearer now---so much more present, more grounded. I think this new year is going to be a Dooooooozy!!!!! Hang on for the ride! The best is yet to come! Here we go!!!!!!!
May your heart smile in harmony with coming changes,