Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Rhythms

Today as I came home from the store, when I got out of my car I immediately heard a very loud drumming sound and realized it was a pileated woodpecker. In a few seconds, a second woodpecker answered the first from across the river. It's drum beats echoed down the river. An exchange was occurring back and forth, first one bird, then the other. In between their replies the crows cawed out their song. I felt so honored to hear this great song occurring right in my back yard! This rhythm and melody , connected with the heartbeat of Mother Earth, back and forth, a communication of the heart. Even though I was cold, I couldn't go inside. I had to continue to hear this beautiful song that was gifted to me.
What songs do you hear in your daily life? So often we are surrounded by noise from TV's and computers and ipods etc. we are unable to hear nature's music. Nature's music comes from the heart and is the inspiration of all creation and creativity. The Celts called this song the Oron Mor, the song of the universe. Let's turn off the noise and hear the great song of the universe, in rhythm with the heart beat of Mother Earth and our own heart beat.
May you hear the song of the universe in your heart today,

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