Thursday, March 12, 2009


I had a very powerful dream last night that told me I needed to put on the play, The Serpent. In my dream I was very familiar with this story and all I could think was how powerful it would be for people now. When I woke up this morning I did some searching . I went to Amazon and found that there is a book called the Serpent, and, in fact, the story is a play!!!! It is a look back at the garden of Eden and Adam and Eve and the author states how we need to go back and heal ourselves there. Here's the blurb from Amazon on it:
"Writing in the turbulent late 1960's, Jean Claude van Itallie traces the chaotic, violent state of modern man to Genesis and original sin in the play The Serpent. Abstract representations of political assassinations and banal, detached monologues diagnose America as a sick society weakened by war, turmoil, and essentially lonely individuals. The Garden of Eden, complete with the Serpent itself, is van Itallie's meeting place connecting the fall of modern society to the fall of Adam and Eve. Van Itallie suggests that society can heal when we "revisit" the Garden of Eden and recover our collective lost innocence through hope and connectedness with ourselves and with one another. "

So I'm sending this out there to you all---I know nothing of putting on a play, but I plan on reading the play first and then maybe I'll know more what to do with it after that. Are any of you out there familiar with this? I'm open to your feedback! It certainly is a relevant theme for today.
Many blessings to you all,

1 comment:

  1. I'm not familiar with the play, but it sounds beautiful! If you decide to puruse it and need an actress, let me know!
