Monday, March 23, 2009

Reiki and Teens

I was just reading an article on Reiki and teens and how some schools are actually bringing Reiki to the students. The teen years are such turbulent times with so many emotional issues that arise it just makes it hard to be a teen. The article states how Reiki is great for teens as they don't have to talk. They can just relax into the experience. It also works well with ADD and ADHD students because it can calm and balance. Reiki can also help with depression. The article states that one school in Maine offered Reiki to students after they had lost 8 students to accidents and suicide in six months! The school reported that Reiki helped the students cope with the losses. Maybe we should have a Reiki practitioner on staff in the schools! Or a class to teach teens how to give Reiki to each other. I would love to be a part of such a program. Those of you who are teachers out there, let your administration know about the benefits of Reiki and how it might help your students. What a blessing this would be to our children and our world!
May your day be filled with all good things,

1 comment:

  1. Brahma Satya Reiki is a self-evolved name for an applied spirituality pathway. The system relates to deep study and practice of principles of universal brotherhood and love. This spreads wellness, knowledge, truth, trust and righteous growth through the active use of naturally flowing universal core energy. This universal core energy is referred as Shiva-Shakti. It is this very balanced core energy that forms the basis of attaining the self-realized goal of complete wellness relating to body, mind and spirit.

    System Brahma is engaged in providing quality spiritual trainings, services and products. These trainings, services and products are imparted or made available to interested people through internet and direct visit of certified trainers and founder himself.

    System Brahma Satya emphasizes upon the practical usage of its spiritual concepts upon the areas of varying real needs relating to physical health (chronic, acute, incurable, infectious, emergency or even beauty enhancement), emotional & mental balance and wellness (anger, impatience, anxiety, fear, worry, depression, aggression, prosperity, greed, memory, concentration, peace, happiness, relationships, work, career, business, restlessness, relaxation or even education) and spiritual growth (astrological influences, aura management, chakra refinement, being alignment, ancestral blessing, karmic dissolution, ascension and self-realization).


    To have an individual realization awakened towards knowing the existing unity in within all creation; and thus make a truly worthwhile contribution in creating a confident dynamism in every individual that continues to spread the light of compassionate love and truth righteously creating and establishing firmly strong structures of universal complete wellness for one and all.

    Vision: It is so happening, every single moment!

    Come and Join Us! In this movement of Light and Love! Help Us Spread System Brahma Satya!
    Through the Lessons of Learning; The Services of Care; And, the Products of Utility
