Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Last night I had a very powerful dream (this time of the year always is powerful for me). The light in the dream made everything very white and illuminated. I was at a spiritual gathering and met my soulmate there (he was a little younger and cute!), and then there was this beautiful woman, all dressed in white, who told me I was in charged of the Ceremony of the cards. I argued with her stating I knew nothing about this ahead of time and that it wasn't fair that this was just sprung on me at the last minute when I have no resources to draw from. Plus I told her I was not the best person to do this as I work with the cards minimally. She just looked at me and would not back down and said that this was my next challenge. End of dream.

My question is, does anyone know about any "ceremony of the cards"? We're talking here tarot or oracle cards. I will be journeying on this over the next few days, as it seemed very important---kind of like this is my next mission! Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Have a most beautiful spring day!

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