Monday, June 22, 2009

Thank you!

The Midsummer Festival was such a glorious event, I want to thank you all for your support, caring and wisdom. All I kept thinking throughout the day was how fortunate I was to be among so many wise, loving and caring people. People who want to do good in the world and change our world to that place of peace we all hold in our hearts. Every gathering together of like-minded people brings about an energy that affects our world. Thank you all so very much for making our world a better place!
This morning in my email a new Go Gratitude gathering is beginning. I did the last session and found it made such a difference in my life. It seemed fitting to start this new session, coming off of the gratitude I feel from the Midsummer Festival gathering. I invite you all to join in on this world gathering of gratitude. Just go to http://www.worldgratitude/ .com. You can make a donation or not. There are 9 pledges you make to demonstrate gratitude in your life each day. Some of you may want to keep a gratitude journal as well. I encourage you to be a part of this exciting journey.
I thank you all again from deep within my heart,

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Midsummer Festival!

Today is our annual Midsummer Festival at Brigid's House. This yearly event is always such an inspiring and heartwarming time for me. It is beautiful to see so many of you offer your services to those in need, to see the beautiful items made from the heart, and to visit with so many of you who may have come from great distances. I feel so very fortunate in my life that so many of you have supported Brigid's House these past 8 years. Your continued support is so needed in these more difficult times.
The word for today is gratitude---deep heartfelt gratitude, for who you are, and for being in my life. Come to the festival today prepared for receiving hugs! I can't wait!
With gratitude and joy,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Mysts and Mystery

This morning the fog lies heavy and I love it! All the trees seem suspended between the otherworld and this world. Are they really there or not? Are they yearning to become a tree but haven't yet made it into this world? Are they just in someone's imagination but not yet formed into solid? I love the mystery around the mysts---certainly that must be where the word "mysts" comes from---it is a part of the word mystery.
I think in our modern age life we forget about the power of mystery. We are certainly the information age and with all this information we then think we "know" so there is no mystery. I remember when I was Catholic and they changed the Mass from Latin to English. The mystery of the Mass was suddenly gone. I had loved the sounds of the Latin words. I didn't need to "know" what was being said, I could "feel" it. It seems to me that in knowing, we lose the mystery and the feeling, we lose the heart, replacing it with the head.
How can you bring more mystery into your life today? What is the mystery that keeps you in your heart? Walk into the mysts........and remember with your heart~
May the Mysts open your heart,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Illness as a gateway

I have been very sick for the past week, moving between the worlds, in and out of my daily life. I had that horrible sore throat, fever thing that has been going around. All you want to do is sleep and I have had some phenomenal things happening as a result.

During this illness I would wake up (usually to a coughing fit) and realize I have been downloading information prior to waking up! One day I was downloading DNA activation and reactivation codes! (I don't even know what that means!). Another time I was working with a group of people as the earth was breaking up. I was helping them to remain calm---I knew we were safe, but the sounds and movement of the earth were terrifying. Another time I was getting information on Maya---fields of illusion that we live within that keep us separate from our source. And I even got info about democracy---the need to create sustainable living for a true democracy to come forth. Each time I woke up right after one of these downloads, I was sopping wet. Made me think that maybe I had gone into the Mists during my sleep!

So throughout this illness, all this incredible information was being downloaded to me and it made me wonder about so many things. Certainly illness can be used as a vehicle of connection to spirit. We all know stories of people who found their life calling after an illness. In some Indigenous societies that is how someone is called to be a shaman. And it made me wonder if illness isn't a great spiritual awakener that we are interfering with through the use of all of our unnatural medicines. For example, I had a fever throughout this illness and did take aspirin a couple of times, but perhaps the fever helps to transport us into the otherworld. Do powerful meds interfere with that process? Perhaps the increased sleep is needed due to all the downloading that is occurring. Could illness simply be a way for spirit to more easily access us? Are we preventing the downloading process from spirit with all of our modern day medicines?

Something to think about for today!
We welcome the return of the sun,