Monday, June 22, 2009

Thank you!

The Midsummer Festival was such a glorious event, I want to thank you all for your support, caring and wisdom. All I kept thinking throughout the day was how fortunate I was to be among so many wise, loving and caring people. People who want to do good in the world and change our world to that place of peace we all hold in our hearts. Every gathering together of like-minded people brings about an energy that affects our world. Thank you all so very much for making our world a better place!
This morning in my email a new Go Gratitude gathering is beginning. I did the last session and found it made such a difference in my life. It seemed fitting to start this new session, coming off of the gratitude I feel from the Midsummer Festival gathering. I invite you all to join in on this world gathering of gratitude. Just go to http://www.worldgratitude/ .com. You can make a donation or not. There are 9 pledges you make to demonstrate gratitude in your life each day. Some of you may want to keep a gratitude journal as well. I encourage you to be a part of this exciting journey.
I thank you all again from deep within my heart,

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