Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

Recently I attended a Celtic Shamanism training by Tom Cowan on the Druid Tales of Wisdom. In one of the stories was the theme of independence. Today being independence day, I was reminded of our discussion that day in class. Independence is really a myth! We live in an interdependent universe! I think that our belief that we can be independent from everything and everyone else is what is the illusion. It is also what keeps us isolated and alone, not recognizing our need for one another and our energetic connection with all. We live in an interdependent world---in no way can we separate ourselves from the earth, the plants, the animals, all of nature. It has been in not recognizing this interdependence that we have destroyed the earth, thinking that what we do to the earth doesn't affect us. It has put us in a state of "me" thinking. Interdependence puts us into "we" thinking. A new world is evolving based upon harmony and cooperation, respect and integrity. Today, take a few moments to recognize your interdependence with all of life. Give thanks to all of nature and all those you come in contact with today for being a part of your world and your connection to the universe. Vow today to live in gratitude, cooperation and harmony with all life!
May the fireworks in the evening skies fill your heart with joy,

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