Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Power of the Weather Spirits!

I'm supposed to be at Lake Superior enjoying the beauty and wonder of the place. I was there Monday and Tuesday. Monday was gorgeous, Tuesday a few sprinkles in the morning and then heavier rain in the afternoon. By evening the sky started to look ominous. We were in the tent, listening to the thunder and lightning around us, feeling all cozy. And then the wind and torrential rains hit! Oh my gosh, I thought we were in the tornado in the Wizard of Oz! I don't know how long the whole tent shuddered---the noise of the tent was so loud we could hardly hear one another speak. And the intensity of the storm continued to increase---one side of the tent started to collapse. We were able to hold that together and then the rain flap blew off the top of the tent and we and everything in the tent were deluged with floods of water. We ran from the tent into the car to wait out the storm. When it subsided we saw our half standing , lopsided tent with puddles in it. Our sleeping bags, clothes, shoes and us were soaked. At this point we just loaded every wet thing into the car and headed for home at 10:30pm. Heading out, the roads were covered with leaves and branches and there were electrical teams out trying to restore power. It was an adventure I do not want to have to go through again!

The power of the lake and of the weather spirits coming together was unbelievable! I had spoken with the weather spirits earlier in the day asking them to be good to us, even put boughs of cedar around our tent for protection. I asked them afterwards what happened? I was told there was a bigger picture in mind than just my little request. The land was dry and needed water and "shaking up". People had become complacent and needed to "wake up" to what is important.

Well, that storm certainly did that! Interestingly enough, on Monday, as I was gathering stones along the shoreline, I had too many stones to hold in my hands and I had asked the lake for a bag to put my stones in. Within about 1 minute, a plastic bag washed into shore right over my feet! Thank you Lake Superior for the miracle! And thank you for keeping us safe weather spirits, despite the traumatic experience. All we were is wet---it could have been worse! Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!
May your day be filled with miracles,

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