Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Mysts and Mystery

This morning the fog lies heavy and I love it! All the trees seem suspended between the otherworld and this world. Are they really there or not? Are they yearning to become a tree but haven't yet made it into this world? Are they just in someone's imagination but not yet formed into solid? I love the mystery around the mysts---certainly that must be where the word "mysts" comes from---it is a part of the word mystery.
I think in our modern age life we forget about the power of mystery. We are certainly the information age and with all this information we then think we "know" so there is no mystery. I remember when I was Catholic and they changed the Mass from Latin to English. The mystery of the Mass was suddenly gone. I had loved the sounds of the Latin words. I didn't need to "know" what was being said, I could "feel" it. It seems to me that in knowing, we lose the mystery and the feeling, we lose the heart, replacing it with the head.
How can you bring more mystery into your life today? What is the mystery that keeps you in your heart? Walk into the mysts........and remember with your heart~
May the Mysts open your heart,

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