Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Imagine shamans from different cultures all over the world, coming together to share and learn from one another. Imagine the coming together of the Eagle of the north, and the Condor of the South, fulfilling ancient prophecy. Imagine a gathering where you are recognized by each person there as a beautiful child of the universe with gifts to share. Imagine drumming into the night, dancing around the fire, under a full moon sky, a multitude of drum beats coming together in unison, creating a heartbeat. Imagine participating in ceremony and ritual that honors the earth and one another. Imagine living in community where hugs and smiles and light shining in each other's eyes greet you along with helping hands. Imagine being in community where no words are needed, connecting heart to heart, communicating heart to heart. Imagine discussions deep into the night on healing, caring for the earth, living joyfully, and teaching the children. This was my experience at the Midwest Shamanic Gathering and so much more. There are no words to describe the experience fully. All I can say is that everyone should attend. It is held yearly over labor day weekend. Mark your calendars now!
May your day be filled with heartfelt joy in communion with nature,

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