Monday, December 29, 2008


Last night on PBS, on Bill Moyer's show, he showed a movie, Beyond Our Differences, that is an overview of spirituality in our world. It looked at all the different religions and showed that they were all about trying to improve a person's life. Deepak Chopra, the Dalai Lama and others were on the movie who all shared their view of spirituality---that it is that inherent part of who we are---and religion is the expression of our spirit in the world, determined by our culture and the dictates of the religion. But the true essence, our connection to the divine, is inherent within us. Also quoted in the show was, "We are spiritual beings, having a human experience." I love that quote (I can't remember who originally said that!). As I watched this show, I really felt that feeling of sacredness come through as people reached out to help one another, regardless of their religion, but simply because they were a person in need. The movie asks us to look beyond our religious differences and see the spiritual beings that we all are. A beautiful message. Thank you Bill Moyers! You can purchase the DVD of the movie at It would be well worth your money!
May you have a beautiful day of peace,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Snow, snow, snow!

I love a freshly fallen snow! Today's snow was so light it was like a million crystal shards glistening! I just think of fairies when I see those little lights, sparkling, bringing us joy!

The snow fell deeply on Saturday causing me to have to cancel our Winter Solstice celebration, as people were canceling and there was no one left to come! But earlier in the day, Kathy Vitcak taught her Hand Analysis class that was wonderful! We've just ordered her recommended books today so will have them the end of next week. (Normally we'd have them in 4 days but due to the holiday our distributor isn't working the rest of the week). Kathy is offering another class on Jan. 18th so don't miss it! It really is interesting and Kathy makes it fun!

I head off in the morning for the Twin Cities to celebrate Christmas Eve with my family--mom and dad, brother and sisters, a niece and nephews and daughter Julie and her family. My daughter, Tara, is in Canada with her significant other, celebrating with his family. At this time of the year, the love we have for our families seems to be stronger, and I've found as I get older, that what is most important in life is relationship. It is all that matters. I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family. My heart is filled with such gratitude, I just burst into tears of joy thinking of you all. Thank you all, you know who you are, who grace my life with your presence.
I love you,
May your holidays be filled with peace and love and joy!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Trance Dance

Last night's winter solstice trance dance was very powerful. The dark is such a powerful time to help us go within ourselves and really connect to spirit. It helps us to roam around in that primordial soup of who we are and come out to the light, reborn, refreshed and alive. Trance dance is an incredible tool to go deep inside yourself and listen and feel the spirit. Don't miss the next one! There's a Brigid's Fire trance dance scheduled in January and a Spring Equinox trance dance scheduled in March. Come and enter into the core of your being---discover you!
Blessings to you all,

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Reiki for Grief

The January 2009 edition of the magazine Natural Solutions has an article on page 72 entitled "Reiki for Grief". It tells the story of a woman who was experiencing physical pain in her tailbone after her mother's death. The medical profession prescribed analgesics and stretching to ease her pain, which did not help her. She had the opportunity for a Reiki session and it proved to be healing for her. It released the pent-up emotions she was holding in her body and her pain disappeared. It has not reappeared in 13 months.

Reiki is such a phenomenal form of healing. I have seen it over and over again in my practice, release emotional issues that we have suffered with in our lifetimes. This deep form of relaxation allows the body to reset itself (according to Pamela Miles, author of Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide). Reiki truly shows the connection between body, mind and spirit, healing the body as we release the emotional content of our pain.

Treat yourself today to a Reiki treatment! At Brigid's House we have a special this month---Jeanne is offering a one hour treatment for just $35---that's $10 off! You can even buy a gift certificate at this special price and use it later or give it as a gift! What a wonderful gift!

May you be filled with love and joy,

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter Solstice

This weekend is filled with celebrating the return of the sun! And we sure have needed the warmth of the sun these past few days!
On Friday evening I will be offering a Winter Solstice trance dance. This is a powerful time to dance and hold the intention of bringing the sun into your life. What needs to lighten up, or be warmed up, or receive warmth and light to grow in your life? We've been in the dark all fall and now it is time to break free of the dark and dance into the light---I hope you'll come and celebrate with us!
On Saturday, the day begins with Hand Analysis with Kathy Dannel Vitcak---I've signed up for this class! I find her work fascinating and Kathy is always so much fun to be around. She has an laid back teaching style which helps you to learn easily.
At 3pm is our Winter Solstice Celebration (even tho it is technically Sunday morning at 6:04am). We have been holding our celebration at Brigid's House for the past seven years and we really enjoy it! We all take turns speaking as voice of the earth, welcoming the return of the sun. We do this in the darkness and each voice, as it speaks, lights a candle, until we're all illuminated again. We also bring a gift to give away---something we have learned from and are ready to pass on to another. It is always so interesting to hear the stories of why someone is drawn to a gift and what someone has learned from that gift and why they are passing it on. And, of course, there is the pot luck that is always wonderful, along with the drumming! Everyone is welcome to attend. Let's make this the best Winter Solstice every!
May the beauty and warmth of the sun wrap around you in love,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Welcome everyone to my new blog! My old one had problems in that it wouldn't let anyone leave a comment. That's no fun! So I welcome your comments on this one! I really want to get some discussions and insights going around Reiki, Shamanism, all things Celtic, etc. etc. etc. Let's all share our knowledge and brighten each other's day!

For all of my Reiki and Shamanic Students this is a forum for you to bring up questions and experiences that you would like to share. Did you have a great journey you'd like some feedback on, or an incredible insight? Please share it with us all!

Also, I am currently in the process of writing a book on ethics for energy workers and would love it if you would like to share some thoughts on ethics or have some experiences, both ethical and unethical, that you have encountered in your training and in your work. Those of you who have been in my classes know I am passionate about this subject as I feel it is lacking in the training of energy workers.

May your day be filled with the essence of joy!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Welcome to My New and Improved Blog

We have moved my Blog to a different type in order to make it more user-friendly! Enjoy!