Monday, December 29, 2008


Last night on PBS, on Bill Moyer's show, he showed a movie, Beyond Our Differences, that is an overview of spirituality in our world. It looked at all the different religions and showed that they were all about trying to improve a person's life. Deepak Chopra, the Dalai Lama and others were on the movie who all shared their view of spirituality---that it is that inherent part of who we are---and religion is the expression of our spirit in the world, determined by our culture and the dictates of the religion. But the true essence, our connection to the divine, is inherent within us. Also quoted in the show was, "We are spiritual beings, having a human experience." I love that quote (I can't remember who originally said that!). As I watched this show, I really felt that feeling of sacredness come through as people reached out to help one another, regardless of their religion, but simply because they were a person in need. The movie asks us to look beyond our religious differences and see the spiritual beings that we all are. A beautiful message. Thank you Bill Moyers! You can purchase the DVD of the movie at It would be well worth your money!
May you have a beautiful day of peace,

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