Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter Solstice

This weekend is filled with celebrating the return of the sun! And we sure have needed the warmth of the sun these past few days!
On Friday evening I will be offering a Winter Solstice trance dance. This is a powerful time to dance and hold the intention of bringing the sun into your life. What needs to lighten up, or be warmed up, or receive warmth and light to grow in your life? We've been in the dark all fall and now it is time to break free of the dark and dance into the light---I hope you'll come and celebrate with us!
On Saturday, the day begins with Hand Analysis with Kathy Dannel Vitcak---I've signed up for this class! I find her work fascinating and Kathy is always so much fun to be around. She has an laid back teaching style which helps you to learn easily.
At 3pm is our Winter Solstice Celebration (even tho it is technically Sunday morning at 6:04am). We have been holding our celebration at Brigid's House for the past seven years and we really enjoy it! We all take turns speaking as voice of the earth, welcoming the return of the sun. We do this in the darkness and each voice, as it speaks, lights a candle, until we're all illuminated again. We also bring a gift to give away---something we have learned from and are ready to pass on to another. It is always so interesting to hear the stories of why someone is drawn to a gift and what someone has learned from that gift and why they are passing it on. And, of course, there is the pot luck that is always wonderful, along with the drumming! Everyone is welcome to attend. Let's make this the best Winter Solstice every!
May the beauty and warmth of the sun wrap around you in love,

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