Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Welcome everyone to my new blog! My old one had problems in that it wouldn't let anyone leave a comment. That's no fun! So I welcome your comments on this one! I really want to get some discussions and insights going around Reiki, Shamanism, all things Celtic, etc. etc. etc. Let's all share our knowledge and brighten each other's day!

For all of my Reiki and Shamanic Students this is a forum for you to bring up questions and experiences that you would like to share. Did you have a great journey you'd like some feedback on, or an incredible insight? Please share it with us all!

Also, I am currently in the process of writing a book on ethics for energy workers and would love it if you would like to share some thoughts on ethics or have some experiences, both ethical and unethical, that you have encountered in your training and in your work. Those of you who have been in my classes know I am passionate about this subject as I feel it is lacking in the training of energy workers.

May your day be filled with the essence of joy!

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