Thursday, December 18, 2008

Reiki for Grief

The January 2009 edition of the magazine Natural Solutions has an article on page 72 entitled "Reiki for Grief". It tells the story of a woman who was experiencing physical pain in her tailbone after her mother's death. The medical profession prescribed analgesics and stretching to ease her pain, which did not help her. She had the opportunity for a Reiki session and it proved to be healing for her. It released the pent-up emotions she was holding in her body and her pain disappeared. It has not reappeared in 13 months.

Reiki is such a phenomenal form of healing. I have seen it over and over again in my practice, release emotional issues that we have suffered with in our lifetimes. This deep form of relaxation allows the body to reset itself (according to Pamela Miles, author of Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide). Reiki truly shows the connection between body, mind and spirit, healing the body as we release the emotional content of our pain.

Treat yourself today to a Reiki treatment! At Brigid's House we have a special this month---Jeanne is offering a one hour treatment for just $35---that's $10 off! You can even buy a gift certificate at this special price and use it later or give it as a gift! What a wonderful gift!

May you be filled with love and joy,

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