Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Snow, snow, snow!

I love a freshly fallen snow! Today's snow was so light it was like a million crystal shards glistening! I just think of fairies when I see those little lights, sparkling, bringing us joy!

The snow fell deeply on Saturday causing me to have to cancel our Winter Solstice celebration, as people were canceling and there was no one left to come! But earlier in the day, Kathy Vitcak taught her Hand Analysis class that was wonderful! We've just ordered her recommended books today so will have them the end of next week. (Normally we'd have them in 4 days but due to the holiday our distributor isn't working the rest of the week). Kathy is offering another class on Jan. 18th so don't miss it! It really is interesting and Kathy makes it fun!

I head off in the morning for the Twin Cities to celebrate Christmas Eve with my family--mom and dad, brother and sisters, a niece and nephews and daughter Julie and her family. My daughter, Tara, is in Canada with her significant other, celebrating with his family. At this time of the year, the love we have for our families seems to be stronger, and I've found as I get older, that what is most important in life is relationship. It is all that matters. I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family. My heart is filled with such gratitude, I just burst into tears of joy thinking of you all. Thank you all, you know who you are, who grace my life with your presence.
I love you,
May your holidays be filled with peace and love and joy!

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