Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Another new year filled with adventures and growth, lots of love and joy! Wow!
Today I travel to Webster Wisconsin to teach a drum making class this weekend. What a powerful way to begin a new year, birthing a new voice into the world. A drum is created from sacrifice---the sacrifice of the lives of the tree and the elk. They give their lives so that something new can be created---a new voice that sings with our heart and the heart of the earth. What do you need to "give up" or sacrifice so that something new can be born into your life? What is needed in your life to make your heart sing? A clue for you may be the question, "When in your life did your heart stop singing?" Look to that experience---there is healing wisdom for you there.
May your new year be filled with the essence of peace, joy and love,

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