Saturday, January 10, 2009

The importance of Water

Last weekend when I went to teach the drum making workshop in Webster, WI, I was so very fortunate to stay with Lynn LaFroth, editor of Essential Wellness newspaper. She graciously opened her home to me and it was a very nurturing, loving time for me. Lynn had a new movie called Water--The Great Mystery. Everyone needs to see this movie!!! It takes Emoto's work a step further. It talks about that water has memory and that it senses human emotions and it does react to those emotions. And, water can communicate from a distance! This movie will change your perception of our world and your place in it. It also, for me, brought up the thought that if our bodies are 80% water, and water has memory and can feel emotions and can communicate, that maybe we should be working with the water in a person's body rather than the energy field of the body. Perhaps the water in the body is the source of pain, anxiety etc. We will definitely be ordering this DVD in at Brigid's House. I'll let you know when we get it in!

I had an experience in one of Tom Cowan's workshops where I found myself, in doing healing work, talking to the chakras. I was working on a woman and was just led to start talking to her chakras as a part of her healing. (In Tom's class it is called love talking, however, we weren't using it on our bodies). I was stating affirmations that corresponded to the issues of each of the chakras. The woman I was working on started crying and it impacted me as well. It was so beautiful and such a sharing connection. Now I understand that the water in her body was literally and physically responding to the beautiful words that were spoken. I think I need to explore this area of thought and healing more seriously in the days to come.

What words are you speaking daily to the waters of your body? What words are you speaking to others? Those words truly have power, affecting the waters and cells in your body as well as others. Hold peace and love in your thoughts today!

May the waters of your heart surround you in love,

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