Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Celtic view

As most of you already know I am always redesigning my classes to include new things that I have learned through my own trainings and from you. I have decided to totally re-design the two year Celtic Shamanism training. It will begin with an Introduction to Celtic Shamanism class that will give you an idea of what the celtic view is like and what the two year training will include. Hopefully that will help you to decide if the two year training is for you or not.

I was just telling a friend about my experiences in studying Celtic Shamanism with Tom Cowan. (He is an incredible teacher!). When I first started studying celtic shamanism, I wasn't sure that this was a path that really sang to my heart. I had difficulty understanding the concepts as it seemed so foreign to what I had known and what I was used to doing in core shamanism. Core shamanism is pretty straight forward and clear cut, so it is easy to wrap your mind around it. Celtic shamanism, however, is a whole another mind set that you really can't define. It is like celtic knotwork---you travel the path around curves and over previously traveled paths not knowing at all where you might be going, but trusting it will take you where you need to be. It is not a theory or way of thinking, it is a way of being and feeling governed by the heart. Through the years I have come to appreciate the expansiveness of celtic thought---the idea that our soul is everywhere and has no limitations placed upon it. The idea that the otherworld is right here with us and not somewhere else at all, but contains the whole universe. The idea that everything is sacred and holy and is honored and lived "right out there" in everyday life. And the deep deep place that the mythology can take you----to deep recesses in the psyche that I didn't even know were there. I love the magic and mystery and depth of it all! I really am trying to live from that awareness that everything and everyone is sacred---that every moment is sacred, that is my goal this year. For me that connects me to not just knowing about the divine, but to the actual feeling of the divine in everything and in my life in every minute of it. That is the celtic gift, to move through the mists, which are the portal to the place of sacredness, poetry, heart, and divinity. I can feel Brigid's fire burning in my heart. I am so thankful that I did not give up on this journey. It has taken me a long time to get to this place---to truly understand what the celtic belief and life is all about. Traveling to Ireland really helped me with that. I live in such gratitude now and feel so connected to the source that sustains us all.

If you should decide to pursue this path of study, know that it will take work and perseverance to change your worldview and get into the celtic heart. To help you do that, I am offering an Introduction to Celtic Shamanism Class on April 4th, 2009, from 10-3pm at Brigid's House. Cost is $50. The two year training will begin in June or August---haven't yet set the date. If you are interested in either of these trainings, just let me know. I will gladly answer your questions.

From my heart to yours,

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