Thursday, January 8, 2009

A new beginning!

I am currently in my glory learning about a new way to teach---through tele-classes and tele-workshops. I'm involved in a program that teaches you how to do this and I absolutely love it! I am so excited about being able to offer tele-classes to you all. It is such a great way to reach more people, especially since I live in the northwoods of Minnesota where there aren't a lot of people. I really was hesitant (and a little fearful) about learning about TECHNOLOGY but I am finding I love it and can't wait to share this new form of communication with you. I'm not sure yet but I think my first project offering to you will be a one time class on discovering your power animal. If you have any suggestions for classes, please let me know!

Initially when I started taking tele-classes I learned that if I just put my cell phone on speaker phone I can do whatever I need to do while listening to the class. I am a note taker so while I was taking notes I could get up and get some coffee or whatever. And the best part of all, was that I could download the class later and listen to it at my leisure too. So if I missed the time of the call, the information was still available to me. I love it! My offering to you is still several months away from happening but I'm just so excited about it I couldn't wait to tell you!

Facing your fears and learning something new is always so exhilirating! In this new year, pick a fear you have and bust through it! You will be so empowered and enlivened and your life will take on new dimensions and meanings. Go for it!

Have a great day filled with all sorts of new adventures!


  1. THAT is soooo exciting. Where are you taking the calss...tell me more!

  2. The class I am taking is part of a package that is about writing mini-messenger books. It is a spiritual based program that has been incredible. It is the I highly recommend the program!
