Friday, January 30, 2009

Trance Dance

It was a most incredible trance dance on Wednesday evening in Pine River MN at the Heart and Hara Studio. We danced Brigid's Fire and it was amazing! Thank you Amber Hunt for allowing us to use your beautiful space. Trance dance is a great way to experience healing for yourself and to seek spiritual information. In honor of Brigid, we took Brigid's cloth and wrapped it around our bodies where we would like healing to occur and danced her energy and spirit. We spoke afterwards about how we all felt her presence and healing. It was a beautiful and inspiring time for all. I will be offering a free intro to trance dance this weekend, Jan. 31st at our open house at Brigid's House from 3-4pm. Our open house is from 10-4pm and all our services are free!

Brigid's feast day is February 1st. The custom is to put out white cloth or ribbons in the trees or bushes on the eve of her feast day and she will come by in the night and bless the cloth that you may then use for healing. I do this every year and often will incorporate this cloth into a healing I do for a client. It also gives the client something to take home with them that was a part of their healing.

When I was in Ireland last fall, Brigid's presence was felt everywhere. The landscape is dotted with holy wells dedicated to the celtic goddess/saint Brigid. Brigid brings the warmth (fire) of spring to the land. It is the time of the year where we release what no longer serves us. Let Brigid's fire purify and release what you no longer want in your life, and bring her warmth into your heart to ignite your passion for what is yet to come.

May Brigid's Fire warm your heart and hearth,

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