Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration High!

The energies these past few days have been incredible! I think I have been the happiest I've been in a long time. For the first time in many years I actually feel proud to be an American! That Obama sure is an inspiration to us all. The old paradigm has fallen, on to Peace, cooperation, integrity, respect, compassion!

Yesterday I had an "in your face" look at the old paradigm. I went into my insurance office to pay my monthly insurance bill. I was asked if it would be okay if they looked over my existing insurance to see if I have enough coverage. Of course I agreed. Within two seconds heads were shaking at me and telling me my coverage was woefully inadequate and what ensued was 10 minutes of fear induced scenarios. "What would you do if......", "What would happen to you if....." "How would you survive if....." . Fear, fear, fear! I just sat there listening to all of this. A part of me became the observer and was watching this fear mongering session with laughter. I was so high and optimistic they couldn't access my fear center. I just sat there and listened to all their dire stories, and then thanked them for the information and walked out with a smile on my face. It was the old paradigm "in my face" and it didn't work anymore!!! Hurray!

What challenges are in your environment that want to speak to your fears? How will you protect yourself from the "fear mongering" of the old paradigm? Always know that the universe loves you and will provide for you. We can't always see the big picture. What can seem like a negative can actually become a positive. "Turn Off" that fear center. Feel your heart and smile!
Thank you Obama!

With excitement about the future,

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