Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

What a memorable day this will be in our lives and in the lives of all the people of the world! Obama isn't even officially the president yet but the whole world is filled with excitement, hope and joy over his election. His destiny truly is to be a uniter. For me, I see him as THE president who will usher in the thousand years of peace that is prophecized to occur after all the changes of 2012. As we watch the old structures fall down, I do believe that his leadership will bring us to those thousand years of peace through his integrity, respect and compassion for all life. Here is a man who sees with wise eyes and knows that coming together, and working together, and suffering together, is what makes us stronger.

In this new year, what are you inaugurating into your life? What new way of being, are you ushering in this new year that brings your life into balance and harmony? What can you do to bring more hope, integrity, respect and compassion into your life? This is a great moment in history as we open our hearts to peace, love and cooperation. Go Barack!!!

With joy, peace and love to you,

1 comment:

  1. I think, on some level, we've all felt the changes that are being ushered in. I know I've felt it was time to work more on myself. I mean really work on things. I've found a great peace within myself, within my heart. Finding that peace within us is what we should all strive for. Peace begins within each of us,and will show outwardly, ultimitely as a peace loving world.
