Friday, January 30, 2009

Trance Dance

It was a most incredible trance dance on Wednesday evening in Pine River MN at the Heart and Hara Studio. We danced Brigid's Fire and it was amazing! Thank you Amber Hunt for allowing us to use your beautiful space. Trance dance is a great way to experience healing for yourself and to seek spiritual information. In honor of Brigid, we took Brigid's cloth and wrapped it around our bodies where we would like healing to occur and danced her energy and spirit. We spoke afterwards about how we all felt her presence and healing. It was a beautiful and inspiring time for all. I will be offering a free intro to trance dance this weekend, Jan. 31st at our open house at Brigid's House from 3-4pm. Our open house is from 10-4pm and all our services are free!

Brigid's feast day is February 1st. The custom is to put out white cloth or ribbons in the trees or bushes on the eve of her feast day and she will come by in the night and bless the cloth that you may then use for healing. I do this every year and often will incorporate this cloth into a healing I do for a client. It also gives the client something to take home with them that was a part of their healing.

When I was in Ireland last fall, Brigid's presence was felt everywhere. The landscape is dotted with holy wells dedicated to the celtic goddess/saint Brigid. Brigid brings the warmth (fire) of spring to the land. It is the time of the year where we release what no longer serves us. Let Brigid's fire purify and release what you no longer want in your life, and bring her warmth into your heart to ignite your passion for what is yet to come.

May Brigid's Fire warm your heart and hearth,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration High!

The energies these past few days have been incredible! I think I have been the happiest I've been in a long time. For the first time in many years I actually feel proud to be an American! That Obama sure is an inspiration to us all. The old paradigm has fallen, on to Peace, cooperation, integrity, respect, compassion!

Yesterday I had an "in your face" look at the old paradigm. I went into my insurance office to pay my monthly insurance bill. I was asked if it would be okay if they looked over my existing insurance to see if I have enough coverage. Of course I agreed. Within two seconds heads were shaking at me and telling me my coverage was woefully inadequate and what ensued was 10 minutes of fear induced scenarios. "What would you do if......", "What would happen to you if....." "How would you survive if....." . Fear, fear, fear! I just sat there listening to all of this. A part of me became the observer and was watching this fear mongering session with laughter. I was so high and optimistic they couldn't access my fear center. I just sat there and listened to all their dire stories, and then thanked them for the information and walked out with a smile on my face. It was the old paradigm "in my face" and it didn't work anymore!!! Hurray!

What challenges are in your environment that want to speak to your fears? How will you protect yourself from the "fear mongering" of the old paradigm? Always know that the universe loves you and will provide for you. We can't always see the big picture. What can seem like a negative can actually become a positive. "Turn Off" that fear center. Feel your heart and smile!
Thank you Obama!

With excitement about the future,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

What a memorable day this will be in our lives and in the lives of all the people of the world! Obama isn't even officially the president yet but the whole world is filled with excitement, hope and joy over his election. His destiny truly is to be a uniter. For me, I see him as THE president who will usher in the thousand years of peace that is prophecized to occur after all the changes of 2012. As we watch the old structures fall down, I do believe that his leadership will bring us to those thousand years of peace through his integrity, respect and compassion for all life. Here is a man who sees with wise eyes and knows that coming together, and working together, and suffering together, is what makes us stronger.

In this new year, what are you inaugurating into your life? What new way of being, are you ushering in this new year that brings your life into balance and harmony? What can you do to bring more hope, integrity, respect and compassion into your life? This is a great moment in history as we open our hearts to peace, love and cooperation. Go Barack!!!

With joy, peace and love to you,

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Celtic view

As most of you already know I am always redesigning my classes to include new things that I have learned through my own trainings and from you. I have decided to totally re-design the two year Celtic Shamanism training. It will begin with an Introduction to Celtic Shamanism class that will give you an idea of what the celtic view is like and what the two year training will include. Hopefully that will help you to decide if the two year training is for you or not.

I was just telling a friend about my experiences in studying Celtic Shamanism with Tom Cowan. (He is an incredible teacher!). When I first started studying celtic shamanism, I wasn't sure that this was a path that really sang to my heart. I had difficulty understanding the concepts as it seemed so foreign to what I had known and what I was used to doing in core shamanism. Core shamanism is pretty straight forward and clear cut, so it is easy to wrap your mind around it. Celtic shamanism, however, is a whole another mind set that you really can't define. It is like celtic knotwork---you travel the path around curves and over previously traveled paths not knowing at all where you might be going, but trusting it will take you where you need to be. It is not a theory or way of thinking, it is a way of being and feeling governed by the heart. Through the years I have come to appreciate the expansiveness of celtic thought---the idea that our soul is everywhere and has no limitations placed upon it. The idea that the otherworld is right here with us and not somewhere else at all, but contains the whole universe. The idea that everything is sacred and holy and is honored and lived "right out there" in everyday life. And the deep deep place that the mythology can take you----to deep recesses in the psyche that I didn't even know were there. I love the magic and mystery and depth of it all! I really am trying to live from that awareness that everything and everyone is sacred---that every moment is sacred, that is my goal this year. For me that connects me to not just knowing about the divine, but to the actual feeling of the divine in everything and in my life in every minute of it. That is the celtic gift, to move through the mists, which are the portal to the place of sacredness, poetry, heart, and divinity. I can feel Brigid's fire burning in my heart. I am so thankful that I did not give up on this journey. It has taken me a long time to get to this place---to truly understand what the celtic belief and life is all about. Traveling to Ireland really helped me with that. I live in such gratitude now and feel so connected to the source that sustains us all.

If you should decide to pursue this path of study, know that it will take work and perseverance to change your worldview and get into the celtic heart. To help you do that, I am offering an Introduction to Celtic Shamanism Class on April 4th, 2009, from 10-3pm at Brigid's House. Cost is $50. The two year training will begin in June or August---haven't yet set the date. If you are interested in either of these trainings, just let me know. I will gladly answer your questions.

From my heart to yours,

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The importance of Water

Last weekend when I went to teach the drum making workshop in Webster, WI, I was so very fortunate to stay with Lynn LaFroth, editor of Essential Wellness newspaper. She graciously opened her home to me and it was a very nurturing, loving time for me. Lynn had a new movie called Water--The Great Mystery. Everyone needs to see this movie!!! It takes Emoto's work a step further. It talks about that water has memory and that it senses human emotions and it does react to those emotions. And, water can communicate from a distance! This movie will change your perception of our world and your place in it. It also, for me, brought up the thought that if our bodies are 80% water, and water has memory and can feel emotions and can communicate, that maybe we should be working with the water in a person's body rather than the energy field of the body. Perhaps the water in the body is the source of pain, anxiety etc. We will definitely be ordering this DVD in at Brigid's House. I'll let you know when we get it in!

I had an experience in one of Tom Cowan's workshops where I found myself, in doing healing work, talking to the chakras. I was working on a woman and was just led to start talking to her chakras as a part of her healing. (In Tom's class it is called love talking, however, we weren't using it on our bodies). I was stating affirmations that corresponded to the issues of each of the chakras. The woman I was working on started crying and it impacted me as well. It was so beautiful and such a sharing connection. Now I understand that the water in her body was literally and physically responding to the beautiful words that were spoken. I think I need to explore this area of thought and healing more seriously in the days to come.

What words are you speaking daily to the waters of your body? What words are you speaking to others? Those words truly have power, affecting the waters and cells in your body as well as others. Hold peace and love in your thoughts today!

May the waters of your heart surround you in love,

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A new beginning!

I am currently in my glory learning about a new way to teach---through tele-classes and tele-workshops. I'm involved in a program that teaches you how to do this and I absolutely love it! I am so excited about being able to offer tele-classes to you all. It is such a great way to reach more people, especially since I live in the northwoods of Minnesota where there aren't a lot of people. I really was hesitant (and a little fearful) about learning about TECHNOLOGY but I am finding I love it and can't wait to share this new form of communication with you. I'm not sure yet but I think my first project offering to you will be a one time class on discovering your power animal. If you have any suggestions for classes, please let me know!

Initially when I started taking tele-classes I learned that if I just put my cell phone on speaker phone I can do whatever I need to do while listening to the class. I am a note taker so while I was taking notes I could get up and get some coffee or whatever. And the best part of all, was that I could download the class later and listen to it at my leisure too. So if I missed the time of the call, the information was still available to me. I love it! My offering to you is still several months away from happening but I'm just so excited about it I couldn't wait to tell you!

Facing your fears and learning something new is always so exhilirating! In this new year, pick a fear you have and bust through it! You will be so empowered and enlivened and your life will take on new dimensions and meanings. Go for it!

Have a great day filled with all sorts of new adventures!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Another new year filled with adventures and growth, lots of love and joy! Wow!
Today I travel to Webster Wisconsin to teach a drum making class this weekend. What a powerful way to begin a new year, birthing a new voice into the world. A drum is created from sacrifice---the sacrifice of the lives of the tree and the elk. They give their lives so that something new can be created---a new voice that sings with our heart and the heart of the earth. What do you need to "give up" or sacrifice so that something new can be born into your life? What is needed in your life to make your heart sing? A clue for you may be the question, "When in your life did your heart stop singing?" Look to that experience---there is healing wisdom for you there.
May your new year be filled with the essence of peace, joy and love,