Saturday, May 23, 2009

Being present

The theme for me this week in my lessons from Spirit appear to be about death and the reminder that the present moment is all we really have. I learned this week that a friend died, suddenly and unexpectedly, and that is always a shock. My heart goes out to her family and friends. This week I was the keynote speaker at a hospice seminar. I was asked to share my story of surviving the death of my son. Since he had died 20 years ago, I didn't think it would be so difficult. But it was. My heart was broken open again at another, deeper level. Oriah Mountain Dreamer, in her book The Invitation, writes: "If we are strong enough to be weak enough, we are given a wound that never heals. It is the gift that keeps the heart open." It takes great strength to allow yourself to be vulnerable and open. But that is what we must do in life. We need to keep our hearts open and be in the present moment with our interactions with others. I was also reminded that I never know what another person is experiencing in their lives. I need to approach each person with love and compassion, kindness and respect, no matter what their outward actions might be saying. We all have wounds which connect us, we all need healing from the heart.

Take time today to be totally present with those you encounter. Keep your heart open, fill it with love and compassion. Send that love and compassion out to all whom you meet. And don't forget to listen to their heart!

May your heart break open in love today,

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