Friday, May 29, 2009

Genetic destiny

Yesterday I heard a fascinating interview of Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief. I read his book when it first came out and was blown away by his research. This interview blew me away again! He talked about our conscious and unconscious minds. He stated that the conscious mind is the creative mind and that we're only in our conscious mind 1-5% of the day. The subconscious mind is not creative and is like a recording device that records habits and patterns and then plays them back daily. These habits and patterns were downloaded during the first 5 years of our life and pre-birth. So in other words, we are playing out 95% of our day the unconscious behaviors that we downloaded when we were a toddler!!!!! Incredible. Even more incredible, his research shows that these downloads also program our genes!!!

But even more incredible for me, is that he said that from the fetal state through the first 5 years of life we are primarily in the theta brain wave state----the place of our imagination and creativity, and, interestingly enough, the brain wave state we go to when we drum and journey!!!! It is here that we have spiritual revelations and visions. He stated that it is in this state that we download information. Suddenly, journeying and accessing information makes perfect sense, and it explains why I always feel so whole after drumming and journeying.

Now in our normal waking life we only access the theta state right before we totally awake and right before we fall asleep. This is called the hypnogogic state. Lipton stated that we should be using these times to re-program our subconscious recordings and ultimately our genes. So, lets work with this for awhile, and use those states to change your life. Re-program your life during these times through the use of affirmations and visualizations. Be in that creative, imaginative state and change your life!

Lipton has a new book coming out in September called Spontaneous Evolution. I highly recommend to you that you read The Biology of Belief. It will change your thinking about your body and your health.

Joy and love to you today,

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