Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rainy Days and Drumming

Today was a good day to sleep a little longer. It is a rainy morning and it always feels so warm and snuggily in bed when it is raining outside. The sound of the rain on the roof is very comforting to me. Perhaps that is why I like drumming so much! Research has shown that rhythmic sounds affect our brain waves in calming ways, bringing us into a state of deep relaxation. Maybe if the whole world drummed we would have world peace!

I always love rainy days because it makes me go deep inside of myself and search around for something creative or a new idea that needs expression or maybe a new insight about myself and my place in the world. I often get new ideas for workshops on these days. In the primordial soup of who we are we can splash around and discover all sorts of new things. We just need to be quiet, and go into our heart, into the core of who we really are, and experience deep peace. And let the sound of the raindrops take you deeper and deeper into your soul.

Blessings from my heart to yours,

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