Friday, May 1, 2009

Beltane Greetings!

Happy Beltane to you! The time when all of nature is alive and doing its fertility dance! The time of lovemaking and dancing and merriment! A time to come alive in your heart, soul and body! And it is also my birthday!

I've always loved my birth day! When I was growing up we would make May Day baskets and secretly put them on people's door steps, ring the door bell and run away. It was always so much fun to see the surprised and happy looks on the faces of the receivers. And what a great idea, to bring joy to your neighbor!

So for today, reach out to another and give a little gift of a smile, or a touch, or a flower. It doesn't have to be much. Remember when your son or daughter brought you that first picked dandelion? Remember how you felt? Remember the look in their eyes? Bring dandelions to those you love today!

Blessings upon your heart,

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