Thursday, May 28, 2009


I was feeling really frazzled this morning and I took time out to sit in my medicine wheel in my backyard. I have a picture here of it---I hope you can see it--there's lots of shadows on there. I love sitting in my wheel, with a fairy ring just east of the wheel around the base of an old oak tree. It is a sacred space to me. And even though I haven't yet planted the lavender and sage, or added the crystals to the directions, it helps me feel complete and whole again. I feel so fortunate to have a space for a "time out" when life gets crazy. I drummed for awhile singing in unison with the wind, and my heart felt lighter. Even my cat came and laid at my feet, enjoying the multitude of heartbeats that drummed with me. Remember to take "time out" for yourself each day and connect to the heartbeat of our dear Mother Earth.

May you and Mother Earth drum together in harmony,


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