Tuesday, May 19, 2009


On my walk yesterday, basking in the glow of the Tom Cowan workshop, I was gifted with the wing of a downy woodpecker. It was just laying on the side of the road. No other signs of struggle nor other parts of the woodpecker---just the wing. That was how I was gifted with my crow wing years ago. I was out for my walk and there was this huge crow wing laying in the ditch. No other feathers or parts of the bird, just the wing. What is going on here? I know I am quite dense sometimes when it comes to observing messages from spirit. Perhaps the spirits need to make sure there can be no other explanation for these wing giftings!

Woodpecker is about drumming and looking at the rhythms of your life. I sense a new rhythm beginning in my life. A rhythm that will allow me to fly. I don't yet know where I might fly to, but I trust the Universe will guide me where I need to go.

Today, think about the rhythms of your life. Are you being called to new heights? Do the rhythms support your heart, soul and spirit?

May the rhythms of your life fill full your heart,

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