Monday, May 18, 2009

Repeat Post: I have a new vision

This post was originally written and posted last week. I have heard from many of you about how you feel you would like to help make this happen. What I do need is for some men to step forward. So I decided to post this again. If it calls to your heart, please respond.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I am retiring the Wild Woman Weekend that I offer. It is of the old paradigm.I am birthing a new vision of men and women together in retreat. I feel it is time for us women to help the men come into their own spirituality. Matthew Fox has written a new book, The Hidden Spirituality of Men, in which he lists ten archetypes of the spiritual male and speaks of how it is time for men to claim these archetypes in their lives.

I have a new vision, of men and women in retreat together. With a male leading the men in special sessions/activities, and I would lead the women. And we would come together to share our wisdom with new faces in an evening fire ceremony. And we would work on healing ourselves so that we may heal our world. No longer separate, the masculine and feminine coming together with a shared vision of community and new life. It is time. The time is now.
We now have a President who models compassion, cooperation, caring, serving and understanding. He gives all men permission to exhibit these characteristics in their lives.

I have a new vision, of a man stepping forward, to join with me in this vision. If you are a male who wishes to explore the spirituality of men and are willing to lead men in a sacred weekend please contact me.
May your heart know love today,

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