Thursday, November 12, 2009

Crow wisdom

I spoke with crow during the night. I asked for clarity, to help with the feelings of sadness that surrounded me. Feelings of being old and outdated, spent and useless. Crow led me with its call across the meadows and into the forest, heading deep into the forest, deep into the darkness. I followed his lead as I know he would bring the magic of creation into my life. I stepped into the darkness feeling supported and safe. I felt myself drawn to a certain place in the forest---it was shrouded in darkness with a twisted tangle of branches and vines. I could not see through the bramble, but noticed something shining from within it. I approached slowly, not knowing quite what I was to do. Once confronted with the tangled mess in front of me, I asked Crow how to reach inside to the glowing object. Crow looked directly into my eyes and said, "Your tears will untangle what blocks you. Your way in will then be clear."

I went deep into my sadness, into the feelings of uselessness and my tears fell easily upon the twisted branches. As my tears fell, the branches magically released and I could see this shining light clearly. I reached through the opening into the twisted branches and grasped the shining object. It was an egg shaped object, here in physical reality, yet also in the otherworld. There were many dimensions to it. Crow told me to open the egg. Again, I asked him how to do that. Crow said to use my breath, to breathe from my soul. I closed my eyes and felt deep within my body for the breath of life. As I breathed upon the egg, it opened. Inside I found my heart~~~~

May Crow speak to you today,

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Celtic New Year

Can you feel the shift in energies? Wow, they are really powerful this year. I have been sick the past few days and have spent more time in the "otherworld" than here. Again I found myself feeling as though I was drugged---falling into a heavy sleep with deep revelations occuring in dreams---more DNA downloading, the urgent feeling of needing to prepare myself and the people, the impending changes that are fast approaching---I wake up tired and my head feeling so heavy. The pressure of the energies bombard my body---yet all is good and in order. Changes are coming so fast this old body is having difficulty keeping up! And of course, the intensity of this time of year, when the veils between the worlds are thinnest only makes all of it more intense. I keep looking for ways to ground myself but nothing seems like enough. This afternoon when we had a brief, very brief period of sunshine I went outside and did some yardwork that has been waiting for me all fall. It felt SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD to dig into the garden into mother earth and feel her moist body. I feel so much clearer now---so much more present, more grounded. I think this new year is going to be a Dooooooozy!!!!! Hang on for the ride! The best is yet to come! Here we go!!!!!!!
May your heart smile in harmony with coming changes,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yin Circle--the male and female coming together

I've just completed Yin Circle Leader Training and I am really excited to start working with this information as I feel it is the perfect time for this information to be shared in our world.

A few months ago, if you remember, I talked about what I saw as the need for men and women to come together and that we women need to bring the men to spirituality classes and help them also discover the path that we have forged that has literally changed the world. In my Yin Circle training it became apparent to me that we women need to reclaim our feminine essence. The women's movement empowered us, but the pendulum has swung too far---too far from the perspective that we are now acting like men, and have forgotten the power of the feminine.

Yin circles are for women to reclaim their feminine essence, and for men to discover the power of the feminine essence. Both men and women need to work on bringing forth the feminine essence as that is what is needed in this new world we are creating. President Obama models these feminine attributes of cooperation, creativity, receptivity, understanding, compassion. This is the new world that is being created and we can help bring this new world about by addressing the feminine in our own lives.

I have been reading the book Wild Attraction: The Energetic Facts of Life by Paul and Patricia Richards. It looks at the role energy plays in human health, empowerment and relationship and really explores the feminine essence. The book helps men to understand the feminine essence and women to understand the male essence. In reading this book it made me realize again, that women have tried to adopt the male essence and we need to return and reclaim the feminine within us. It also discusses communication between men and women and how we can successfully create meaningful communication with one another.

I envision the Yin circles to be a place where men and women can learn about the feminine essence and ways to incorporate it in their lives so that they are living fully, balanced, harmonious lives. This exploration can also result in experiencing an extraordinary relationship with your partner, or if you are single, to help you attract an "aware male" .

This information really excites me and I am anxious to share it with others. I have scheduled a first informational meeting/experience for Saturday, November 14th from 10am to noon. Cost is $15 per person or $25 for a couple. I would love to hear your input on this subject and if you're interested in participating. Please contact me at

As Wild Attraction states: "Extraordinary relationships create extraordinary cultures and amazing people!"

May you have an extraordinary day!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Imagine shamans from different cultures all over the world, coming together to share and learn from one another. Imagine the coming together of the Eagle of the north, and the Condor of the South, fulfilling ancient prophecy. Imagine a gathering where you are recognized by each person there as a beautiful child of the universe with gifts to share. Imagine drumming into the night, dancing around the fire, under a full moon sky, a multitude of drum beats coming together in unison, creating a heartbeat. Imagine participating in ceremony and ritual that honors the earth and one another. Imagine living in community where hugs and smiles and light shining in each other's eyes greet you along with helping hands. Imagine being in community where no words are needed, connecting heart to heart, communicating heart to heart. Imagine discussions deep into the night on healing, caring for the earth, living joyfully, and teaching the children. This was my experience at the Midwest Shamanic Gathering and so much more. There are no words to describe the experience fully. All I can say is that everyone should attend. It is held yearly over labor day weekend. Mark your calendars now!
May your day be filled with heartfelt joy in communion with nature,

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Even the tiniest is a teacher!

I had a phenomenal revelation the other day! All this summer I have been battling unrelenting swarms of gnats! I don't know why they're so prevalent this summer but I seem to encounter them everywhere. The worst has been on my daily walks. There's nothing worse than having gnats swarm around your head as you walk, breathing them into your nose, blinking them into your eyes, and zooming around in your hair. So one day as I was walking I started talking to the gnats. And I asked for a way for them to please back away. Immediately I was told to blow air gently out of my mouth toward them. Wow, the effect was immediate! They quickly backed off and even disappeared in time. So all summer, on my daily walk, when the gnats start swarming around me, I just start sending my breath out to them. And then, one day, it dawned on me that they were teaching me to breathe as I walk!!! Just like in yoga where you breathe with the movements, the gnats were teaching me to breathe as I walk! I have a whole different perspective now when they arrive. I thank them for the reminder to breathe!
May you remember to breathe today!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Power of the Weather Spirits!

I'm supposed to be at Lake Superior enjoying the beauty and wonder of the place. I was there Monday and Tuesday. Monday was gorgeous, Tuesday a few sprinkles in the morning and then heavier rain in the afternoon. By evening the sky started to look ominous. We were in the tent, listening to the thunder and lightning around us, feeling all cozy. And then the wind and torrential rains hit! Oh my gosh, I thought we were in the tornado in the Wizard of Oz! I don't know how long the whole tent shuddered---the noise of the tent was so loud we could hardly hear one another speak. And the intensity of the storm continued to increase---one side of the tent started to collapse. We were able to hold that together and then the rain flap blew off the top of the tent and we and everything in the tent were deluged with floods of water. We ran from the tent into the car to wait out the storm. When it subsided we saw our half standing , lopsided tent with puddles in it. Our sleeping bags, clothes, shoes and us were soaked. At this point we just loaded every wet thing into the car and headed for home at 10:30pm. Heading out, the roads were covered with leaves and branches and there were electrical teams out trying to restore power. It was an adventure I do not want to have to go through again!

The power of the lake and of the weather spirits coming together was unbelievable! I had spoken with the weather spirits earlier in the day asking them to be good to us, even put boughs of cedar around our tent for protection. I asked them afterwards what happened? I was told there was a bigger picture in mind than just my little request. The land was dry and needed water and "shaking up". People had become complacent and needed to "wake up" to what is important.

Well, that storm certainly did that! Interestingly enough, on Monday, as I was gathering stones along the shoreline, I had too many stones to hold in my hands and I had asked the lake for a bag to put my stones in. Within about 1 minute, a plastic bag washed into shore right over my feet! Thank you Lake Superior for the miracle! And thank you for keeping us safe weather spirits, despite the traumatic experience. All we were is wet---it could have been worse! Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!
May your day be filled with miracles,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New eyes

On my daily walk yesterday afternoon I encountered two fawn who were about 30 feet ahead of me. They were about to cross the road I was walking on. Upon seeing me, they stood still, motionless, the "deer in the headlights" look, and then they turned around and scampered off into the meadow. I watch them for awhile. They were like little children running around the field, leaping in the air and running in circles. Then suddenly, one of them ran straight towards me and stopped about 10 feet from me. I looked into those beautiful Bambi eyes and my heart melted. I felt the innocence, the freshness, the newness, the awe of new life. The fawn then scampered away again, back into the meadow. Later that evening, I walked out into my backyard and lo and behold, there was the fawn standing in my backyard! We exchanged looks again and I just felt like I had been given such a gift. The gift of innocence and awe. She (the fawn seemed like a she to me) then scampered off into the woods.

In the book Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews, he states that the fawn is about "rediscovering innocence." He goes on to say"Step out slowly into new endeavors. Explore with fresh innocence. New wonders are about to appear. Maintain a fresh outlook." Thank you fawn for this beautiful message and this heartfelt encounter. I will keep my eyes open to the freshness of life!

Is there something happening in your life that needs a fresh perspective? Call upon fawn to help you see with new eyes the beauty and awe of life around you!

May you see today with new eyes,

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

Recently I attended a Celtic Shamanism training by Tom Cowan on the Druid Tales of Wisdom. In one of the stories was the theme of independence. Today being independence day, I was reminded of our discussion that day in class. Independence is really a myth! We live in an interdependent universe! I think that our belief that we can be independent from everything and everyone else is what is the illusion. It is also what keeps us isolated and alone, not recognizing our need for one another and our energetic connection with all. We live in an interdependent world---in no way can we separate ourselves from the earth, the plants, the animals, all of nature. It has been in not recognizing this interdependence that we have destroyed the earth, thinking that what we do to the earth doesn't affect us. It has put us in a state of "me" thinking. Interdependence puts us into "we" thinking. A new world is evolving based upon harmony and cooperation, respect and integrity. Today, take a few moments to recognize your interdependence with all of life. Give thanks to all of nature and all those you come in contact with today for being a part of your world and your connection to the universe. Vow today to live in gratitude, cooperation and harmony with all life!
May the fireworks in the evening skies fill your heart with joy,

Monday, June 22, 2009

Thank you!

The Midsummer Festival was such a glorious event, I want to thank you all for your support, caring and wisdom. All I kept thinking throughout the day was how fortunate I was to be among so many wise, loving and caring people. People who want to do good in the world and change our world to that place of peace we all hold in our hearts. Every gathering together of like-minded people brings about an energy that affects our world. Thank you all so very much for making our world a better place!
This morning in my email a new Go Gratitude gathering is beginning. I did the last session and found it made such a difference in my life. It seemed fitting to start this new session, coming off of the gratitude I feel from the Midsummer Festival gathering. I invite you all to join in on this world gathering of gratitude. Just go to http://www.worldgratitude/ .com. You can make a donation or not. There are 9 pledges you make to demonstrate gratitude in your life each day. Some of you may want to keep a gratitude journal as well. I encourage you to be a part of this exciting journey.
I thank you all again from deep within my heart,

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Midsummer Festival!

Today is our annual Midsummer Festival at Brigid's House. This yearly event is always such an inspiring and heartwarming time for me. It is beautiful to see so many of you offer your services to those in need, to see the beautiful items made from the heart, and to visit with so many of you who may have come from great distances. I feel so very fortunate in my life that so many of you have supported Brigid's House these past 8 years. Your continued support is so needed in these more difficult times.
The word for today is gratitude---deep heartfelt gratitude, for who you are, and for being in my life. Come to the festival today prepared for receiving hugs! I can't wait!
With gratitude and joy,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Mysts and Mystery

This morning the fog lies heavy and I love it! All the trees seem suspended between the otherworld and this world. Are they really there or not? Are they yearning to become a tree but haven't yet made it into this world? Are they just in someone's imagination but not yet formed into solid? I love the mystery around the mysts---certainly that must be where the word "mysts" comes from---it is a part of the word mystery.
I think in our modern age life we forget about the power of mystery. We are certainly the information age and with all this information we then think we "know" so there is no mystery. I remember when I was Catholic and they changed the Mass from Latin to English. The mystery of the Mass was suddenly gone. I had loved the sounds of the Latin words. I didn't need to "know" what was being said, I could "feel" it. It seems to me that in knowing, we lose the mystery and the feeling, we lose the heart, replacing it with the head.
How can you bring more mystery into your life today? What is the mystery that keeps you in your heart? Walk into the mysts........and remember with your heart~
May the Mysts open your heart,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Illness as a gateway

I have been very sick for the past week, moving between the worlds, in and out of my daily life. I had that horrible sore throat, fever thing that has been going around. All you want to do is sleep and I have had some phenomenal things happening as a result.

During this illness I would wake up (usually to a coughing fit) and realize I have been downloading information prior to waking up! One day I was downloading DNA activation and reactivation codes! (I don't even know what that means!). Another time I was working with a group of people as the earth was breaking up. I was helping them to remain calm---I knew we were safe, but the sounds and movement of the earth were terrifying. Another time I was getting information on Maya---fields of illusion that we live within that keep us separate from our source. And I even got info about democracy---the need to create sustainable living for a true democracy to come forth. Each time I woke up right after one of these downloads, I was sopping wet. Made me think that maybe I had gone into the Mists during my sleep!

So throughout this illness, all this incredible information was being downloaded to me and it made me wonder about so many things. Certainly illness can be used as a vehicle of connection to spirit. We all know stories of people who found their life calling after an illness. In some Indigenous societies that is how someone is called to be a shaman. And it made me wonder if illness isn't a great spiritual awakener that we are interfering with through the use of all of our unnatural medicines. For example, I had a fever throughout this illness and did take aspirin a couple of times, but perhaps the fever helps to transport us into the otherworld. Do powerful meds interfere with that process? Perhaps the increased sleep is needed due to all the downloading that is occurring. Could illness simply be a way for spirit to more easily access us? Are we preventing the downloading process from spirit with all of our modern day medicines?

Something to think about for today!
We welcome the return of the sun,

Friday, May 29, 2009

Genetic destiny

Yesterday I heard a fascinating interview of Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief. I read his book when it first came out and was blown away by his research. This interview blew me away again! He talked about our conscious and unconscious minds. He stated that the conscious mind is the creative mind and that we're only in our conscious mind 1-5% of the day. The subconscious mind is not creative and is like a recording device that records habits and patterns and then plays them back daily. These habits and patterns were downloaded during the first 5 years of our life and pre-birth. So in other words, we are playing out 95% of our day the unconscious behaviors that we downloaded when we were a toddler!!!!! Incredible. Even more incredible, his research shows that these downloads also program our genes!!!

But even more incredible for me, is that he said that from the fetal state through the first 5 years of life we are primarily in the theta brain wave state----the place of our imagination and creativity, and, interestingly enough, the brain wave state we go to when we drum and journey!!!! It is here that we have spiritual revelations and visions. He stated that it is in this state that we download information. Suddenly, journeying and accessing information makes perfect sense, and it explains why I always feel so whole after drumming and journeying.

Now in our normal waking life we only access the theta state right before we totally awake and right before we fall asleep. This is called the hypnogogic state. Lipton stated that we should be using these times to re-program our subconscious recordings and ultimately our genes. So, lets work with this for awhile, and use those states to change your life. Re-program your life during these times through the use of affirmations and visualizations. Be in that creative, imaginative state and change your life!

Lipton has a new book coming out in September called Spontaneous Evolution. I highly recommend to you that you read The Biology of Belief. It will change your thinking about your body and your health.

Joy and love to you today,

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I was feeling really frazzled this morning and I took time out to sit in my medicine wheel in my backyard. I have a picture here of it---I hope you can see it--there's lots of shadows on there. I love sitting in my wheel, with a fairy ring just east of the wheel around the base of an old oak tree. It is a sacred space to me. And even though I haven't yet planted the lavender and sage, or added the crystals to the directions, it helps me feel complete and whole again. I feel so fortunate to have a space for a "time out" when life gets crazy. I drummed for awhile singing in unison with the wind, and my heart felt lighter. Even my cat came and laid at my feet, enjoying the multitude of heartbeats that drummed with me. Remember to take "time out" for yourself each day and connect to the heartbeat of our dear Mother Earth.

May you and Mother Earth drum together in harmony,


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Being present

The theme for me this week in my lessons from Spirit appear to be about death and the reminder that the present moment is all we really have. I learned this week that a friend died, suddenly and unexpectedly, and that is always a shock. My heart goes out to her family and friends. This week I was the keynote speaker at a hospice seminar. I was asked to share my story of surviving the death of my son. Since he had died 20 years ago, I didn't think it would be so difficult. But it was. My heart was broken open again at another, deeper level. Oriah Mountain Dreamer, in her book The Invitation, writes: "If we are strong enough to be weak enough, we are given a wound that never heals. It is the gift that keeps the heart open." It takes great strength to allow yourself to be vulnerable and open. But that is what we must do in life. We need to keep our hearts open and be in the present moment with our interactions with others. I was also reminded that I never know what another person is experiencing in their lives. I need to approach each person with love and compassion, kindness and respect, no matter what their outward actions might be saying. We all have wounds which connect us, we all need healing from the heart.

Take time today to be totally present with those you encounter. Keep your heart open, fill it with love and compassion. Send that love and compassion out to all whom you meet. And don't forget to listen to their heart!

May your heart break open in love today,

Friday, May 22, 2009


I live on the Fish Hook River here in Park Rapids and the frogs have just started singing! Wow, what a sound. It is constant, a hum that holds the space of the evening. Frogs are about transformation through water and sound. Certainly their sound is something we can journey into. For me, it is like a chant, lulling me into the otherworld. The book Animal-Speak states that "frogs have been known to be heralds of abundance and fertility". In this time of deep recession, perhaps we need to be working with frog. And in also working with water, the emotions, we should look at our emotions around abundance in our life.
Move into the sound of the frog with your mind and let it permeate your being, merge with it. Hold the intention for abundance in your life. Ask frog to help you recognize the abundance you already have in your life and how you can open to the flow of abundance. We give thanks to frog for its wisdom.

May the song of nature enfold you today,

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Green Man

The Green Man is speaking to me again! In Celtic belief the Green Man is the Spirit of Nature, the Spirit of the woods. Wildness and passion are a part of the Green Man's character. I'm sure you've seen representations of him as a face of a man covered with leaves. For me his presence was strong about 10 years ago in my life. Now, he has resurfaced. Perhaps it is because it is spring, or he is returning because the world is now asking us to live green. For whatever reason, he is returning and he's connecting with my heart. He was reignited in me at the Celtic Shamanism training on the Druid Wisdom Tales with Tom Cowan. I feel he is challenging me to look at my own wildness (or unwildness) and passion. So many times I find myself living the same life day in and day out. He asks me to connect with the wildness within my heart, and ignite that passion that is in my heart and live fully alive! When I look at the forests, the trees now budding out and flowers blooming, I am captured by the glory of nature in all of its becoming! Such fertility and beauty! Let us look today at our own lives and see if we can bring more wildness and passion into our lives so that we can "become" and feel that nature connection of fertility, creation, wildness, passion and beauty! Awesome!

May the Green Man visit your heart today,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


On my walk yesterday, basking in the glow of the Tom Cowan workshop, I was gifted with the wing of a downy woodpecker. It was just laying on the side of the road. No other signs of struggle nor other parts of the woodpecker---just the wing. That was how I was gifted with my crow wing years ago. I was out for my walk and there was this huge crow wing laying in the ditch. No other feathers or parts of the bird, just the wing. What is going on here? I know I am quite dense sometimes when it comes to observing messages from spirit. Perhaps the spirits need to make sure there can be no other explanation for these wing giftings!

Woodpecker is about drumming and looking at the rhythms of your life. I sense a new rhythm beginning in my life. A rhythm that will allow me to fly. I don't yet know where I might fly to, but I trust the Universe will guide me where I need to go.

Today, think about the rhythms of your life. Are you being called to new heights? Do the rhythms support your heart, soul and spirit?

May the rhythms of your life fill full your heart,

Monday, May 18, 2009

Repeat Post: I have a new vision

This post was originally written and posted last week. I have heard from many of you about how you feel you would like to help make this happen. What I do need is for some men to step forward. So I decided to post this again. If it calls to your heart, please respond.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I am retiring the Wild Woman Weekend that I offer. It is of the old paradigm.I am birthing a new vision of men and women together in retreat. I feel it is time for us women to help the men come into their own spirituality. Matthew Fox has written a new book, The Hidden Spirituality of Men, in which he lists ten archetypes of the spiritual male and speaks of how it is time for men to claim these archetypes in their lives.

I have a new vision, of men and women in retreat together. With a male leading the men in special sessions/activities, and I would lead the women. And we would come together to share our wisdom with new faces in an evening fire ceremony. And we would work on healing ourselves so that we may heal our world. No longer separate, the masculine and feminine coming together with a shared vision of community and new life. It is time. The time is now.
We now have a President who models compassion, cooperation, caring, serving and understanding. He gives all men permission to exhibit these characteristics in their lives.

I have a new vision, of a man stepping forward, to join with me in this vision. If you are a male who wishes to explore the spirituality of men and are willing to lead men in a sacred weekend please contact me.
May your heart know love today,


What a weekend! Had a wonderful weekend at the Tom Cowan workshop on Celtic Shamanism and the Druid Wisdom Tales. It was so heartwarming to re-connect with old friends and to make new ones! I love sharing at that level that tickles the brain and causes you to go into your life with new ponderings and journeys. I experienced some phenomenal journeys where I found myself back in Ireland, in the earth chambers. I re-connected with the Green Man who is opening my heart again. I also walked the outdoor labyrinth several times which helped to ground me in this reality and gently enfold me in its pathways. I felt cared for and loved at this workshop, gently held within the arms of the universe. I sense an inner shift of the heart. Now is the discovery and adventure of the path ahead!
Take a moment today to reconnect with nature and breathe in it's breath, smell its aroma, see its beauty. Fill your heart full with the sounds of nature and the warmth of the sun. We too are a part of this universe, a part of this beautiful earth. Know you are being gently guided by the universe who loves you~
May the beauty of the day surround you with its wisdom,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rainy Days and Drumming

Today was a good day to sleep a little longer. It is a rainy morning and it always feels so warm and snuggily in bed when it is raining outside. The sound of the rain on the roof is very comforting to me. Perhaps that is why I like drumming so much! Research has shown that rhythmic sounds affect our brain waves in calming ways, bringing us into a state of deep relaxation. Maybe if the whole world drummed we would have world peace!

I always love rainy days because it makes me go deep inside of myself and search around for something creative or a new idea that needs expression or maybe a new insight about myself and my place in the world. I often get new ideas for workshops on these days. In the primordial soup of who we are we can splash around and discover all sorts of new things. We just need to be quiet, and go into our heart, into the core of who we really are, and experience deep peace. And let the sound of the raindrops take you deeper and deeper into your soul.

Blessings from my heart to yours,

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Becoming a Spiritual Entrepreneur

I just took Kathy Dannel Vitcak's class, Becoming a Spiritual Entrepreneur. It was excellent! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to promote their spiritual business on the internet. Today Kathy covered all the bases in beginning online marketing---blogging, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, article marketing and more! Such wonderful information for us all. Watch Brigid's House's website for more info on Kathy's classes. Or go to Kathy's website at You won't be sorry!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I have a new vision.....

I am retiring the Wild Woman Weekend that I offer. It is of the old paradigm.

I am birthing a new vision of men and women together in retreat. I feel it is time for us women to help the men come into their own spirituality. Matthew Fox has written a new book, The Hidden Spirituality of Men, in which he lists ten archetypes of the spiritual male and speaks of how it is time for men to claim these archetypes in their lives.

I have a new vision, of men and women in retreat together. With a male leading the men in special sessions/activities, and I would lead the women. And we would come together to share our wisdom with new faces in an evening fire ceremony. And we would work on healing ourselves so that we may heal our world. No longer separate, the masculine and feminine coming together with a shared vision of community and new life. It is time. The time is now.

I have a new vision, of a man stepping forward, to join with me in this vision. If you are a male who wishes to explore the spirituality of men and are willing to lead men in a sacred weekend please contact me.

May your heart know love today,

Friday, May 1, 2009

Beltane Greetings!

Happy Beltane to you! The time when all of nature is alive and doing its fertility dance! The time of lovemaking and dancing and merriment! A time to come alive in your heart, soul and body! And it is also my birthday!

I've always loved my birth day! When I was growing up we would make May Day baskets and secretly put them on people's door steps, ring the door bell and run away. It was always so much fun to see the surprised and happy looks on the faces of the receivers. And what a great idea, to bring joy to your neighbor!

So for today, reach out to another and give a little gift of a smile, or a touch, or a flower. It doesn't have to be much. Remember when your son or daughter brought you that first picked dandelion? Remember how you felt? Remember the look in their eyes? Bring dandelions to those you love today!

Blessings upon your heart,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Something to ponder

As the beauty of Spring is blooming all around us, I came upon this quote, and I wanted to share it with you. It is by Drew Dellinger from "Hieroglyphic Stairway":

its 3:23 in the morning
and I'm awake
because my great great grand children
won't let me sleep
my great great grandchildren
ask me in dreams
what did you do while the planet was plundered?
what did you do when the earth was unraveling?

surely you did something
when the seasons started failing?

as the mammals, reptiles,
birds were all dying?

did you fill the streets with protest
when democracy was stolen?

what did you do

I do have hope that we as a people are awakening. We are not separate from this dear earth, and what we do to her, we do to ourselves. Oprah recently had a show on that showed the trash/garbage that is in our oceans---it covers an area the size of two states of Texas!!

Go out into nature and sit quiety with her. Ask how you might best help to bring about balance and harmony again on this earth. We all know it has to begin with us. What more can you do to bring healing to our world?

Wrapping you round with the warmth of the sun,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Last night I had a very powerful dream (this time of the year always is powerful for me). The light in the dream made everything very white and illuminated. I was at a spiritual gathering and met my soulmate there (he was a little younger and cute!), and then there was this beautiful woman, all dressed in white, who told me I was in charged of the Ceremony of the cards. I argued with her stating I knew nothing about this ahead of time and that it wasn't fair that this was just sprung on me at the last minute when I have no resources to draw from. Plus I told her I was not the best person to do this as I work with the cards minimally. She just looked at me and would not back down and said that this was my next challenge. End of dream.

My question is, does anyone know about any "ceremony of the cards"? We're talking here tarot or oracle cards. I will be journeying on this over the next few days, as it seemed very important---kind of like this is my next mission! Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Have a most beautiful spring day!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

White Siberian Tiger

I had a very powerful dream last night about a White Siberian Tiger coming to me. He was trying to get in my house and I was afraid. The Siberian Tiger is about bringing passion and sensuality into your life---a very fitting spring power animal! It's also about bringing in adventure and going on a long journey for rest and relaxation. I need to let go of those fears and let him in my house! Wow, I wish I would have discovered him a long time ago! I can't wait!

I guess that is the lesson, don't wait! Allow those gifts of passion and sensuality into your life. Let them make your life be fun! Your life is an adventure story that you write---you are the author! What would your life be if you saw it as an adventure? What would your life be like if you lived it with deep passion and sensuality?

Start writing your new adventure today! I'll keep you updated on mine! WhooooooHoooooooo!
Blessings to you,

Monday, March 23, 2009

Reiki and Teens

I was just reading an article on Reiki and teens and how some schools are actually bringing Reiki to the students. The teen years are such turbulent times with so many emotional issues that arise it just makes it hard to be a teen. The article states how Reiki is great for teens as they don't have to talk. They can just relax into the experience. It also works well with ADD and ADHD students because it can calm and balance. Reiki can also help with depression. The article states that one school in Maine offered Reiki to students after they had lost 8 students to accidents and suicide in six months! The school reported that Reiki helped the students cope with the losses. Maybe we should have a Reiki practitioner on staff in the schools! Or a class to teach teens how to give Reiki to each other. I would love to be a part of such a program. Those of you who are teachers out there, let your administration know about the benefits of Reiki and how it might help your students. What a blessing this would be to our children and our world!
May your day be filled with all good things,

Friday, March 20, 2009

Greeting the Spring Equinox!

It's spring! The time of the year when we all breathe in the freshness of the warmer air. The earth awakens and so do we! We come out of our dark and dreary dens of solitude and voraciously absorb the warmth of the sun and of the light. The seeds you planted during the dark days will now awaken to the sun and bloom in the coming months. What excitement! Mother Earth now opens her body to us all to plant, to grow, to dance upon her great belly!

To celebrate the equinox I am offering a spring trance dance this evening. A time to come and learn what seeds will now be growing within you in the coming months. Come and experience the spirit of the dance and the spirit of the equinox and dance their rhythms in pure joy!

May your day be filled with the promise of the new in your life,

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

I just received the following email on Friday the 13th and I thought I would pass this info on to you. It was written by Donna Hennes who wrote The Queen of Myself:

Why Friday the 13th is a Very Lucky Day, Indeed By Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman*

When the 13th day on the month lands on a Friday,the culturally unfavorable attributes of each are multiplied by infinity. Friday, the day of original sin, the day Jesus died, the day of public hangings, incombination with 13, the number of steps on a gallows, the number of coils of rope in a hangman's noose, the number of the Death card in the tarotdeck, is indubitably designated as a day of portent and doom. The pitiful suicide note of a window washer that was found with his body in a gas-filled room at his home and quoted in a 1960 issue of the YorkshirePost, underscores its powerful, popular reputation, "It just needed to rain today - Friday the 13th - for me to make up my mind." Poor sod. But up until the patriarchal revolution, both Fridays and13s were held in the very highest esteem. Both the day and the number were associated with the Great Goddesses, and therefore, regarded as the sacred essence of luck and good fortune. Thirteen is certainly the most essentially female number - the average number of menstrual cycles in a year. The approximate number, too of annual cycles of the moon. When Chinese women make offerings of moon cakes, there are sure to be 13 on the platter. Thirteen is the number of blood, fertility and lunar potency. 13 is the lucky number of the Great Goddess. Held holy in Her honor, Friday was observed as the day of Her special celebrations. Jews around the world still begin the observance of the Sabbath at sunset on Friday evenings when they invite in the Sabbath Bride. Friday is the Sabbath in the Islamic world. Friday is also sacred to Oshun, the Yorubanorisha of opulent sensuality and overwhelming femininity, and Frig the Norse Goddess of love and sex, of fertility and creativity. Her name became the Anglo-Saxon noun for love, and in the sixteenth century, frig came to mean *to copulate.* Friday the 13th is ultimately the celebration of the lives and loves of Lady Luck. On this, Her doubly-dedicated day, let us consider what fortuitous coincidences constitute our fate. The lucky blend of just the right conditions, chemistries, elements and energies, which comprise our universe. The way it all works.The way we are. That we are at all. That, despite whatever major or minor matters we might think are unlucky, we have somehow managed to remain alive and aware. This Friday the 13th, let us stand in full consciousness of the miraculousness of existenceand count our blessings. Knock on wood. * (c) Permission is granted to copy, reproduce, re-print orpromulgate in any manner this copyrighted material so long ascorrect attribution and contact information is included. *****************************************************Donna Henes is an internationally renowned urban shaman,eco-ceremonialist, award-winning author, popular speaker and workshop leader whose joyful celebrations of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than 100 cities since 1972. She has published four books, a CD,an acclaimed quarterly journal and writes a column for UPI(United Press International) Religion and Spirituality Forum.Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains aceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and consultancyin Exotic Brooklyn, NY where she works with individuals, groups,institutions, municipalities and corporations to create meaningfulceremonies for every imaginable occasion. For information about upcoming events and services contact: Mama Donna's Tea Garden & Healing HavenPO Box 380403 Exotic Brooklyn, New York, NY 11238-0403Phone: 718/857-1343Email: Read her blog at:

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I had a very powerful dream last night that told me I needed to put on the play, The Serpent. In my dream I was very familiar with this story and all I could think was how powerful it would be for people now. When I woke up this morning I did some searching . I went to Amazon and found that there is a book called the Serpent, and, in fact, the story is a play!!!! It is a look back at the garden of Eden and Adam and Eve and the author states how we need to go back and heal ourselves there. Here's the blurb from Amazon on it:
"Writing in the turbulent late 1960's, Jean Claude van Itallie traces the chaotic, violent state of modern man to Genesis and original sin in the play The Serpent. Abstract representations of political assassinations and banal, detached monologues diagnose America as a sick society weakened by war, turmoil, and essentially lonely individuals. The Garden of Eden, complete with the Serpent itself, is van Itallie's meeting place connecting the fall of modern society to the fall of Adam and Eve. Van Itallie suggests that society can heal when we "revisit" the Garden of Eden and recover our collective lost innocence through hope and connectedness with ourselves and with one another. "

So I'm sending this out there to you all---I know nothing of putting on a play, but I plan on reading the play first and then maybe I'll know more what to do with it after that. Are any of you out there familiar with this? I'm open to your feedback! It certainly is a relevant theme for today.
Many blessings to you all,

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Rhythms

Today as I came home from the store, when I got out of my car I immediately heard a very loud drumming sound and realized it was a pileated woodpecker. In a few seconds, a second woodpecker answered the first from across the river. It's drum beats echoed down the river. An exchange was occurring back and forth, first one bird, then the other. In between their replies the crows cawed out their song. I felt so honored to hear this great song occurring right in my back yard! This rhythm and melody , connected with the heartbeat of Mother Earth, back and forth, a communication of the heart. Even though I was cold, I couldn't go inside. I had to continue to hear this beautiful song that was gifted to me.
What songs do you hear in your daily life? So often we are surrounded by noise from TV's and computers and ipods etc. we are unable to hear nature's music. Nature's music comes from the heart and is the inspiration of all creation and creativity. The Celts called this song the Oron Mor, the song of the universe. Let's turn off the noise and hear the great song of the universe, in rhythm with the heart beat of Mother Earth and our own heart beat.
May you hear the song of the universe in your heart today,

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Seeds of Winter

The past few weeks have been so energetic and filled with so much love!
Our open house on Jan. 31st was so inspiring to have so many of you come and partake of our free services for the day. I am always amazed at the distance people travel to come to Brigid's House. Your support is so incredible! Thank you so very much!

This past weekend I presented at the Winter Soulstice Retreat in Valley City ND. It was a heartfelt, healing time for me and I know for others there too. Roxanne Rogers who is the organizer of the retreat is an incredible woman filled with so much energy and unconditional love. She sets the tone for the whole event. I met so many interesting people from Valley City, I can't wait to go back there. A two year training in core shamanism may be occuring there in the near future!

At the retreat I presented on healing with nature and basic info on shamanism. Roxanne had also asked me to be a part of their church service and I was in charge of the sermon. I wanted to share my sermon with you---Seeds of Winter.

Ancient peoples lived in harmony with the seasons and beings on this earth.
They knew and honored the cycles of life and death and rebirth.
In the fall, the falling of the leaves symbolize the letting go of what is no longer needed. When fall approaches and we begin to go inside our homes and into ourselves as well.
In winter, we go into the darkness where the Great Mystery lives. Even the animals go into hibernation, waiting.
We wait quietly, in silence, waiting for the sun to return.
The Ancient Celts revered these times of mystery. They honored the acorn which they saw as the eye of wisdom. (A part of that might have been that at a certain time of the year acorn have hallucinogenic properties and the wild boars would eat the acorns and run around wildly---the celts saw that the acorns took the boars into the otherworld!)
The Celts revered the acorn because it sits silently in the soil, in the darkness, in a state of what the Celts call "an sithe" (on shee). A place of peace.

And from this place of peace the acorn yearns to become a mighty oak tree.
It waits patiently, an sithe, for the sun to return.

And when the sun returns and warms the earth again, the seed breaks open and begins its journey to express itself as the mighty oak.

Today, I ask you to find that peaceful place within your heart where you can be "an sithe" and discover the seeds you have been yearning to awaken and break open with the love from the sun, so you may express your beauty and light in our world.

I'd like to share a quote from Donna Hennes, author:
"Let us be like the sun and shine our light out into the world, a little bit more every day until we flood the planet with the brilliance of our best intentions.
One by one, in tiny increments, candle by candle, gesture by effort, wish by prayer, concern by care, we feed the life-fires of the soul and light the infinite universe little by little from within."

May your day be filled with the blessings of light and love!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Trance Dance

It was a most incredible trance dance on Wednesday evening in Pine River MN at the Heart and Hara Studio. We danced Brigid's Fire and it was amazing! Thank you Amber Hunt for allowing us to use your beautiful space. Trance dance is a great way to experience healing for yourself and to seek spiritual information. In honor of Brigid, we took Brigid's cloth and wrapped it around our bodies where we would like healing to occur and danced her energy and spirit. We spoke afterwards about how we all felt her presence and healing. It was a beautiful and inspiring time for all. I will be offering a free intro to trance dance this weekend, Jan. 31st at our open house at Brigid's House from 3-4pm. Our open house is from 10-4pm and all our services are free!

Brigid's feast day is February 1st. The custom is to put out white cloth or ribbons in the trees or bushes on the eve of her feast day and she will come by in the night and bless the cloth that you may then use for healing. I do this every year and often will incorporate this cloth into a healing I do for a client. It also gives the client something to take home with them that was a part of their healing.

When I was in Ireland last fall, Brigid's presence was felt everywhere. The landscape is dotted with holy wells dedicated to the celtic goddess/saint Brigid. Brigid brings the warmth (fire) of spring to the land. It is the time of the year where we release what no longer serves us. Let Brigid's fire purify and release what you no longer want in your life, and bring her warmth into your heart to ignite your passion for what is yet to come.

May Brigid's Fire warm your heart and hearth,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration High!

The energies these past few days have been incredible! I think I have been the happiest I've been in a long time. For the first time in many years I actually feel proud to be an American! That Obama sure is an inspiration to us all. The old paradigm has fallen, on to Peace, cooperation, integrity, respect, compassion!

Yesterday I had an "in your face" look at the old paradigm. I went into my insurance office to pay my monthly insurance bill. I was asked if it would be okay if they looked over my existing insurance to see if I have enough coverage. Of course I agreed. Within two seconds heads were shaking at me and telling me my coverage was woefully inadequate and what ensued was 10 minutes of fear induced scenarios. "What would you do if......", "What would happen to you if....." "How would you survive if....." . Fear, fear, fear! I just sat there listening to all of this. A part of me became the observer and was watching this fear mongering session with laughter. I was so high and optimistic they couldn't access my fear center. I just sat there and listened to all their dire stories, and then thanked them for the information and walked out with a smile on my face. It was the old paradigm "in my face" and it didn't work anymore!!! Hurray!

What challenges are in your environment that want to speak to your fears? How will you protect yourself from the "fear mongering" of the old paradigm? Always know that the universe loves you and will provide for you. We can't always see the big picture. What can seem like a negative can actually become a positive. "Turn Off" that fear center. Feel your heart and smile!
Thank you Obama!

With excitement about the future,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

What a memorable day this will be in our lives and in the lives of all the people of the world! Obama isn't even officially the president yet but the whole world is filled with excitement, hope and joy over his election. His destiny truly is to be a uniter. For me, I see him as THE president who will usher in the thousand years of peace that is prophecized to occur after all the changes of 2012. As we watch the old structures fall down, I do believe that his leadership will bring us to those thousand years of peace through his integrity, respect and compassion for all life. Here is a man who sees with wise eyes and knows that coming together, and working together, and suffering together, is what makes us stronger.

In this new year, what are you inaugurating into your life? What new way of being, are you ushering in this new year that brings your life into balance and harmony? What can you do to bring more hope, integrity, respect and compassion into your life? This is a great moment in history as we open our hearts to peace, love and cooperation. Go Barack!!!

With joy, peace and love to you,

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Celtic view

As most of you already know I am always redesigning my classes to include new things that I have learned through my own trainings and from you. I have decided to totally re-design the two year Celtic Shamanism training. It will begin with an Introduction to Celtic Shamanism class that will give you an idea of what the celtic view is like and what the two year training will include. Hopefully that will help you to decide if the two year training is for you or not.

I was just telling a friend about my experiences in studying Celtic Shamanism with Tom Cowan. (He is an incredible teacher!). When I first started studying celtic shamanism, I wasn't sure that this was a path that really sang to my heart. I had difficulty understanding the concepts as it seemed so foreign to what I had known and what I was used to doing in core shamanism. Core shamanism is pretty straight forward and clear cut, so it is easy to wrap your mind around it. Celtic shamanism, however, is a whole another mind set that you really can't define. It is like celtic knotwork---you travel the path around curves and over previously traveled paths not knowing at all where you might be going, but trusting it will take you where you need to be. It is not a theory or way of thinking, it is a way of being and feeling governed by the heart. Through the years I have come to appreciate the expansiveness of celtic thought---the idea that our soul is everywhere and has no limitations placed upon it. The idea that the otherworld is right here with us and not somewhere else at all, but contains the whole universe. The idea that everything is sacred and holy and is honored and lived "right out there" in everyday life. And the deep deep place that the mythology can take you----to deep recesses in the psyche that I didn't even know were there. I love the magic and mystery and depth of it all! I really am trying to live from that awareness that everything and everyone is sacred---that every moment is sacred, that is my goal this year. For me that connects me to not just knowing about the divine, but to the actual feeling of the divine in everything and in my life in every minute of it. That is the celtic gift, to move through the mists, which are the portal to the place of sacredness, poetry, heart, and divinity. I can feel Brigid's fire burning in my heart. I am so thankful that I did not give up on this journey. It has taken me a long time to get to this place---to truly understand what the celtic belief and life is all about. Traveling to Ireland really helped me with that. I live in such gratitude now and feel so connected to the source that sustains us all.

If you should decide to pursue this path of study, know that it will take work and perseverance to change your worldview and get into the celtic heart. To help you do that, I am offering an Introduction to Celtic Shamanism Class on April 4th, 2009, from 10-3pm at Brigid's House. Cost is $50. The two year training will begin in June or August---haven't yet set the date. If you are interested in either of these trainings, just let me know. I will gladly answer your questions.

From my heart to yours,

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The importance of Water

Last weekend when I went to teach the drum making workshop in Webster, WI, I was so very fortunate to stay with Lynn LaFroth, editor of Essential Wellness newspaper. She graciously opened her home to me and it was a very nurturing, loving time for me. Lynn had a new movie called Water--The Great Mystery. Everyone needs to see this movie!!! It takes Emoto's work a step further. It talks about that water has memory and that it senses human emotions and it does react to those emotions. And, water can communicate from a distance! This movie will change your perception of our world and your place in it. It also, for me, brought up the thought that if our bodies are 80% water, and water has memory and can feel emotions and can communicate, that maybe we should be working with the water in a person's body rather than the energy field of the body. Perhaps the water in the body is the source of pain, anxiety etc. We will definitely be ordering this DVD in at Brigid's House. I'll let you know when we get it in!

I had an experience in one of Tom Cowan's workshops where I found myself, in doing healing work, talking to the chakras. I was working on a woman and was just led to start talking to her chakras as a part of her healing. (In Tom's class it is called love talking, however, we weren't using it on our bodies). I was stating affirmations that corresponded to the issues of each of the chakras. The woman I was working on started crying and it impacted me as well. It was so beautiful and such a sharing connection. Now I understand that the water in her body was literally and physically responding to the beautiful words that were spoken. I think I need to explore this area of thought and healing more seriously in the days to come.

What words are you speaking daily to the waters of your body? What words are you speaking to others? Those words truly have power, affecting the waters and cells in your body as well as others. Hold peace and love in your thoughts today!

May the waters of your heart surround you in love,

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A new beginning!

I am currently in my glory learning about a new way to teach---through tele-classes and tele-workshops. I'm involved in a program that teaches you how to do this and I absolutely love it! I am so excited about being able to offer tele-classes to you all. It is such a great way to reach more people, especially since I live in the northwoods of Minnesota where there aren't a lot of people. I really was hesitant (and a little fearful) about learning about TECHNOLOGY but I am finding I love it and can't wait to share this new form of communication with you. I'm not sure yet but I think my first project offering to you will be a one time class on discovering your power animal. If you have any suggestions for classes, please let me know!

Initially when I started taking tele-classes I learned that if I just put my cell phone on speaker phone I can do whatever I need to do while listening to the class. I am a note taker so while I was taking notes I could get up and get some coffee or whatever. And the best part of all, was that I could download the class later and listen to it at my leisure too. So if I missed the time of the call, the information was still available to me. I love it! My offering to you is still several months away from happening but I'm just so excited about it I couldn't wait to tell you!

Facing your fears and learning something new is always so exhilirating! In this new year, pick a fear you have and bust through it! You will be so empowered and enlivened and your life will take on new dimensions and meanings. Go for it!

Have a great day filled with all sorts of new adventures!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Another new year filled with adventures and growth, lots of love and joy! Wow!
Today I travel to Webster Wisconsin to teach a drum making class this weekend. What a powerful way to begin a new year, birthing a new voice into the world. A drum is created from sacrifice---the sacrifice of the lives of the tree and the elk. They give their lives so that something new can be created---a new voice that sings with our heart and the heart of the earth. What do you need to "give up" or sacrifice so that something new can be born into your life? What is needed in your life to make your heart sing? A clue for you may be the question, "When in your life did your heart stop singing?" Look to that experience---there is healing wisdom for you there.
May your new year be filled with the essence of peace, joy and love,